Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Hi Parents,

I just wanted to give everyone the latest on Landon. I am scheduled for a C-Section due to my early toxemia symptoms and Landons un-cooperativeness to come out. Please pray for us as we go through this process as we had not planned on bringing him into the world this way and am very nervous about the whole situation. The surgery is scheduled for

Wednesday, April 29th at 7:30am

We are to be at the hospital at 5:30am that morning so childcare will not begin till 7:30am this morning. I only have one assistant that morning so I ask if you have the capability of coming into childcare late that day please let me know as Ryan and I are not able to help with the childcare this day and Kegan will be alone till around 10:30am-11:00am.

Childcare will remain open ALL this week as I wont be home from the hospital till Saturday.

We will be Closed May 4 -15

Childcare will reopen on May 18th at normal time. I will be taking 4 weeks off once we open up again so I can fully recover from the C-Section, bond with my baby and learn to cope with all the new struggles of being a mom and get the hang of breastfeeding.

If you have any questions, Kegan is in charge of the childcare and knows what is going on with us while we are unreachable. I will check emails when I am home from the hospital after Saturday but please know that I will be very busy and spending time with baby and family. I thank you all in advance in supporting Ryan and I as we never thought we would become parents after dealing with fertility issues. We are finally able to make our dreams come true. Wish us luck!

** Check back again as we will upload some pictures of Landon after the birth

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Dentist Office Field Trip

We had http://www.sacchildrensdentist.com/ out for our yearly visit. The children got to learn about "sugar bugs", brushing and flossing.
They met "Dora the Explorer" she counts the teeth and checks for "sugar bugs"
They got to go grocery shopping and decide if things were healthy or unhealthy.

For more information you can visit there webpage or give them a call. They have a gorgeous office in Citrus Heights and do some unique things to make it special for kids such as noisless drills, they have silly names for everything like a "car wash" when your teeth care being cleaned. Sunglasses for kids to wear during exams and really cool themed mural rooms.

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Toe Jam

No paintbrushes! No finger paint! Dip your toes into the bowl and paint, paint, paint, till you got no more.

Inspired by one of our favorite books.

We are not finished with this project but couldn't wait to give you a sneak peak of different ways we use our mind to paint around here. Check out our wall display in a few weeks to see some paintings done by the children that correspond to one of our favorite books.

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Party

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Chalk, Slugs and Friends

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Monday, April 6, 2009

Natural Discovery

This is a wonderful example. Children are able to explore and use equipment in the classroom how they see fit. On this day one child brought a small prism into the block area and accidentally(so I believe) set it in the sun. Soon there was a flurry of children gathered around explaining what they discovered. The experimented moving the prism around in the different sun spots until......

....they discovered it casts light and made a triangle.

One quick twist.........and.........

the discovery had been made...........a RAINBOW!

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Friday, April 3, 2009

Along came a spider ......

...............and sat down beside her....

After studying the ants the children noticed the legs look like spider legs. We got our spider box and compared the spiders to the ants. We counted all the legs on the spiders and all of them had 8.

We remembered that ants on have 6.

Drawing our spiders just right. Counting the legs to make sure there are 8.

Picking out colors to match the spiders.

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Thursday, April 2, 2009


Day 1 ants added

Day 2 1st tunnel made

Day 3 - A litle City has begun

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