Monday, May 18, 2009

Hamburger Tour Field Trip

We are going back out to Bishops pumpkin farm this time to go on a Hamburger tour. This special educational program provides a guided tour of a farm that grows all the crops needed for a hamburger. Even the farm is shaped like a hamburger!

  • Ride on the Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm Railroad to and from the Hamburger Farm site

  • Guided tour of a farm that grows all crops needed for a hamburger-

  • including hands on activities such as grinding wheat into flour

  • digging potatoes and slicing them into French fries

  • milking a “cow” to get milk for cheese.

  • In addition to information on each crop, discussion topics will include: “good” and “bad” insects; and amounts of water needed to “grow” a hamburger.

  • Self guided tour of Weeland petting zoo and the farm animals who live there

  • Play time in Farmer Bill’s Barn, the Tree House, or Coyote Mountain Mine

  • Nutritious hamburger picnic (meets school lunch requirements)

  • Hamburger Farm themed Classroom materials will be provided for follow-up lessons.
Hamburger Tour Field Trip
May 22nd
Time: 9:30am Leaving: 8:30am
Bishops Pumpkin Farm
1415 Pumpkin Lane
Wheatland, Ca 95692

Cost:$10 per student/parent/sibling
This includes Tour, petting zoo, play areas & train ride

Also Included in price a Hamburger lunch consisiting of
Hamburger, Chips, Cookie & Milk, Juice or Water
Sodas available at additional cost

The Bakeshop and Giftshop will be open as usual for yummy treats
Please let me know if you would like to be a parent volunteer for this Field Trip by responding to this post or emailing me

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